Peru Photo Tour | Landscape and People

The mist comes and goes; the peaks surrounding me seem to be playing hide-and-seek. It was an early wake-up call today, but nothing can diminish the excitement of being here one more time. Minutes later, the rolling fog finally dissipates to unveil one of the seven wonders of the world. This is Machu Picchu, the most important archeological site of the American continent.

But Peru is much more than Machu Picchu. Peru is diverse. Few nations in the world are as exciting; with stories at every turn, dramatic Andean landscapes, and a unique mix of Hispanic and native traditions, Peru is just fascinating. 

I have written long posts about my past visits and photography experiences in the country. So this time, I just want to showcase some of the images made during my last Peru photo tour. I was co-leading this tour with Darlene Hildebrandt of Digital Photo Mentor (DPM), and we had along with us ten fantastic guests; we indeed had a blast.

Our 14-day journey started in Lima; then, we visited Arequipa, the Colca Canyon, Cusco, the Sacred Valley, and of course, Machu Picchu. Some of us also adventured with a five-day visit to the Amazon Jungle. 

Architecture, cityscapes, landscapes, street and people are just some of the genres you can photograph in Peru. Here is a gallery with some of my most beloved images from the trip. I recommend you click on them, so you can see a full resolution image.

Peru is the place that lives up to every expectation every time I go back. The photographic opportunities are endless, and I always return with a feeling of accomplishment. 

If you love travel photography, and you have never been there, Peru should be on your radar. Imagine a place of wonders with so many opportunities in a safe atmosphere. I always recommend Peru to friends and people who want to start or try travel photography. Oh, and if you're not aware yet, Peru is also a leading culinary destination. What else can you ask for?

My gear of choice for this tour was Fujifilm GFX. I brought the GFX 50S and 50R bodies with me, along with three lenses: the GF 32-64mm, the GF 23mm, and the GF 100-200mm. I also had my Godox lighting kit, which was mostly used for lighting the portraits of the natives made in the Amazon jungle. 

I will be back in Peru for more photography and adventures, and you could travel with me. Subscribe to my newsletter and find out about upcoming photo tours and adventures.

All the images in this post are available for licensing and prints; if you're interested, just click this link. That's all for now. As always, feel free to comment, share, and ask questions. 


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